What is Dermaplaning?
Dermaplaning is a minimally invasive skin treatment that removes soft facial hair and dead skin from your face that can trap dirt and oil. This helps to reduce the appearance of acne scars, fine lines and promotes smoother skin.
What is a Dermaplaning Consent Form?
A Dermaplaning Consent Form is designed to ensure that your client has been given all of the information about what the treatment involves, including the benefits and any associated risks. By signing the form your client is confirming their consent and permission to the treatment.
Even though Dermaplaning is a minimally invasive skin treatment, as it involves skin, completing a thorough Dermaplaning Consultation and Consent Form prior to any treatment is essential.
The Consultation Form
The Dermaplaning Consultation Form part ensures that you obtain all of the necessary information about your clients health and wellbeing and any other important factors such as allergies and medication. This will help to highlight any potential issues or concerns and enables you to offer the right advice and guidance.
This part of the form will cover their personal details such as name, phone, email, date of birth, age and will ask if they suffer from any allergies and are taking any medication.
You will also need to ask about any Contraindications to ensure that the client is suitable for the treatment and to allow you to make a decision if to proceed with the Dermaplaning procedure.
Treatment Information
The form should also provide additional information such as any potential risks or side effects, expected results, pre-treatment Instructions, maintenance and aftercare advice.
This is particularly useful where you are using an Online Dermaplaning Consultation Form as the client can then also receive a copy of the form once completed that they can refer back to once the treatment has been completed.
So if they have any concerns or questions after the appointment, instead of them calling you out of hours or when you are busy with another client, they can simply go to their email and open the form with all of this important and relevant information.
If you are not using an online form solution then make sure you provide your clients with an Dermaplaning Aftercare Form that they can take home with them after the appointment.
The Consent Form
The Dermaplaning Consent Form part is there to ensure your client is fully informed about the treatment and has been given all of the information about what is involved, including the benefits and any associated risks.
Completing and signing a Dermaplaning Consent Form ensures you have your clients permission before they receive the treatment from you. Following this process helps to protect you and your client should any issues arise during or after the procedure, or if your client should be unhappy with the end result.
By signing the consent form your client is confirming their understanding of the treatment and they are also agreeing to any potential risks or side effects. This ensures that you cannot be held liable should anything go wrong or they are unhappy with the end result.
If you are using an Online Form Solution then your client will be able to easily sign the form electronically which will automatically add the date and time the form was signed. If you are using a Word or PDF document make sure you date and save the form somewhere securely.
If you are still using pen and paper then try to ensure that the handwriting is readable, the form is dated and signed. If you are storing paper based forms in a filing cabinet or draw at your salon, clinic or even at home, it is probably worth scanning or at least taking a photo of the form just in case anything did happen (flood/fire) as you will need copies of those forms for you insurance and own piece of mind.
Where to Find Dermaplaning Consent Forms
You can find Dermaplaning Consent Form Templates in a variety of formats including free pdfs, editable pdfs, online form templates and printable forms, simply by doing a google search.
Some online form systems enable you to send consultation forms to your client via email, sms, whatsapp and messenger before their actual appointment. This means they are able complete their personal details and medical information in their own time which often results in a more thoroughly completed form and it also allows you to review this information beforehand.
This saves time on the actual appointment day helping to avoid delays or rushed forms and allows you to spend more time discussing things with your client or on the actual treatment itself.